
CSA / CSI Pumps for On-Site Service

Interchangeable Components and No Hot Working

On-site serviceability has been incorporated, as a key benefit, within the design of the CSA / CSI range of ASME and ISO pumps. Negating the need for any hot working or the use of special tools.

The silicon carbide internal bearing system of the CSA and CSI pumps is fully site serviceable.  In addition, a single piece bush holder enables optimised internal bearing alignment.

CSA / CSI Pumps for On-Site Service

The CSA / CSI range has been designed with maximum interchangeability of components between pumps across the range, so minimising parts inventories and stockholding for further cost savings.

Eliminating the need of any hot working or special tools means that most of the service and maintenance can be undertaken on site. This further contributes to cost savings as it also minimises production downtime, maximises uptime, resulting in improved productivity and profitability.

Please see the dedicated CSA / CSI section of the website to learn more about the range.