By definition, the production of chemicals means that a lot of liquids need to be pumped around a plant presenting risks to the health and safety of both personnel and the environment.
Sealless magnetic drive pumps from HMD Kontro are designed to prevent leaks of hazardous and valuable fluids and they can handle such fluids as chlor-alkali, pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fertilisers. Our sealless magnetic drive pumps meet the exacting standards of ASME and ISO regulations and can cope with high temperatures, high pressures and volatile substances associated with chemical pump applications including toxic, fine, corrosive, carcinogenic and aggressive liquids.
If you need more information about our pumps for your chemical plant and the pump that is most suited to your application, please download our chemical brochure or call our experts on +44 (0)1323 452154 or email us